Hyam v. Director Of Public Prosecutions [

1975] A.C. 55, [1974] 2 W.L.R. 607, [1974] 2 All E.R. 41.


Hyam (D) set fire to a dwelling house in Coventry by deliberately pouring gas through a mail slot and igniting it with a newspaper and a match. The house contained four persons, presumably asleep. The mother and her son escaped, but her two daughters died of asphyxia. D's motive was jealousy over the fact that the mother was going to marry another of whom D was the discarded mistress. D claimed that all she wanted to do was to frighten the mother into leaving the neighborhood and that she did not intend to cause death or bodily harm. The prosecution instructed the jury, and if D knew that it was highly probable that death or serious bodily injury would result, she would be guilty of murder. D was convicted, and this appeal resulted.